“The Seller Finance Coalition is excited that the “Affordable Homeownership Access Act” is being introduced by Congressman Andy Barr as a bipartisan solution to the ongoing home ownership and affordability crisis. Home ownership is a vital aspect of families building wealth. Seller financing provides greater access to capital and affordable homeownership opportunities to underserved consumers as well as underserved communities across the nation. This bill will provide the opportunity for an 8-fold increase in the capital available to underserved yet worthy aspiring homeowners. For generations, seller financing has been a vital mechanism for working class and minority family’s purchasing homes and has allowed thousands of families who would not otherwise be able to own their own home the opportunity to achieve the American dream of homeownership. The private capital provided by seller financers can help solve the affordable homeownership crisis without any cost or risk to the taxpayers.”
–Bob Repass and Jeff Watson
Co-Founders, of the Seller Finance Coalition
by the Numbers
How Useful is Seller Financing?
Net Worth
The Net Worth of a Homeowner is 44 times that of a Renter.
Home Loan Value
Home loans below $200,000 are scarce and significantly more so at the $100,000 price point.
Available Capital
This bill will provide the opportunity for an 8-fold increase in the capital available to underserved yet worthy aspiring homeowners.